Ohio has been great. Loved the time with my mom and seeing her new life out here. It has been nice to kinda have this intermission between my old life and new. Very relaxing and a time to center myself.
Las Vegas Friends and Family, I have missed you and will continue to do so. I haven't decided if I miss the 100+ degree weather or not.
He is my mailing address while I am in PST. I will be there for a good four months before I get my permanent address.
Debra Truchon
House of Culture
K. Demirchyan Square
2501 Charentsavan
It should take about a week for things to arrive there. My e-mail is debbie_truchon@yahoo.com.
Please fill free to send things and or write. It will be great to hear from everyone. My next entry should be from Armenia!! :)